Free Door Games and Key Generators

This is a collection of BBS Door Games I've found around the Internet. The collection consists of games released by the author in a registered format, or with a key generator. Some of the games are free and can be still be registered, Darkness 2.0 for example.

If I have a door game included in the collection which you wrote and do not wish it to be on the list, or released with public codes, please email me at the link above. I respect all the work the door game authors of the past put into their work.

Some of the older games written in Turbo Pascal, when ran on a modern computer, will get a "runtime error 200". You'll need to use a program called TPPATCH.EXE or PATCHCRT.EXE. I prefer PATCHCRT, but use whatever works for you. I'm sure if you search the internet you can find either of them. E-mail me if you can't, I'll send you both.

For the door games released on you'll need to follow the registration.txt file included by Doug. Basically to run the registered features you'll need to set the game up for the BBS Name: "", and the Sysop: "FREE COPY". Doug is not around anymore to give vanity keys out.

I'm not doing this to make any money, just enjoyment of running door games on my BBS and to help others starting out.

New files on this update will have the title in red.

4CYTE! - Word Making Game Door

4CYTE! v2.03 - Word making game door. 4CYTE is a word making game from ParrotSoft. This game is configurable by registered sysop for number of games and difficulty level for playing. A player tries to make as many words as he can on a 6x6 grid using the generated letters (or wildcards) supplied. Play back/ahead days, and last months high scorer. Door is compatable with most major BBS systems. Door supports Non-Standard com port IRQ's and Multi-Nodes. Door uses same PS dictionary as Boggle and Perplexity and can share the same directory. NO Dictionary Files In this zip.

4CYTE! - Generic Registration Codes

4CYTE! - Word making game door. Generic Registration Codes.

5 Card Draw Poker

Domain Poker v2K - FREEWARE - A 5 card draw, multi-player, interactive poker game for Synchronet BBS systems. Supports multiple tables/limits and an intelligent computer opponent.

5 Card Stud Poker

5 Card Stud v1.41 - Play 5 card stud against the computer and match your ability against others. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOOFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree. Free BBSFiles Key

8 Way Slots

8 W A Y S L O T S v1.3.2 Played on a 3 by 3 Grid of token wheels, this door pays out on vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines. Multiple lines are also payed out. Each win adds 1 more play. Player Make Up Days. Resets at end of month.

Age of War

Age of War is a game of global conquest. You start out with one unit witch you use to explore the world and to find a site for your first city. After building your first city you well be able to build more units and begin to study meany fields of advancement in technology. With each advancement learned more units and city improvements well be available to you. You can make peace with other nations, build trade routes between their cities and yours, establish embassies or sabotage them. The end goal is to be the greatest world power at the end of the game. Good luck and may your Nation withstand the test of TIME!

Age of War Code/Key Generator

Age of War 2.0x Code/Key Generator - Registers the BBS door game Age of War by Charles Marchant, versions 2.00 and 2.01.

Alpha Colony VI

Alpha Colony VI ver 0.950 or AC6 is a multi-player strategy door game very similar to Solar Realms Elite. You manage your empire territories, acquiring land, building armies and ruling all.

Alpha Colony VI Registration Code

Alpha Colony VI registration code. Enjoy!


ANSIGAMES Ver 3.0 - ANSIGAMES is a set of four online games that use ANSI codes to write directly to the sysop's and user's screen.

Another Day at the Races

Another Day at the Races - Horse racing Door, by Andrew Pamment. Source & Win32 Binary

Ant Raid

ANT RAID V1.10 - By Neale Davidson (c) 1994 - The Last of the Picnic Breakfasts! This one is a wierd one. ANT RAID is a strategy game where players control their colonies and attempt to kill the queens of their opponents. Opposing players scour the earth for food, and use their soldier ants to attack opposing workers and queens. The queens hatch new ants to bolster forces.

Ant Raid Registration Code Generator

Ant Raid registration code generator - Creates a registration code for the door game Ant Raid by Neale Davidson of CIOE Corp.

Arena of the Ancients

Arena of the Ancients is a role playing door game for Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). This game offers tons of options to the users, as well as incorporating over a thousand weapons, armors, spells, monsters, and various items. Monsters and special events await the characters in the dungeons. Or you can break into the castle, fight in the Arena, lounge in the Adventurer's Guild, go to your occupation, visit the temple, and more. The unique thing about Arena of the Ancients is not the above. Most RPG door games only have a role playing aspect to it. The above description is only HALF of what Arena has to offer. You can win ARENA more than 1 way. The game incorporates another part to it: Dominion. The characters get to rule over a plot of land, warring with each other, casting magic on each other's realms, invading the King's Castle, and hiring peasants to work the land. Dominion is just as integral to the game as the RPG part is. But, because there is more than one way of winning, you can play only the RPG portion, only the Dominion portion, or both, depending upon what you like. And, a lot of the game is included in the unregistered version. Not only do you get the entire Role Playig portion of the game, but you get a glimpse at the Dominion portion as well. It's like getting a game for free. But with dominon, that game becomes SO much more.

Arena of the Ancients regkey generator

Arena of the Ancients regkey generator - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Arena of the Ancients by Ross Wigdor.

Arena: Warrior Remake

Arena: Warrior Remake Version 1.2 - Re-write of the classic game originally written by Greg Hartle and Trevor Parks. Fossil driver, supports Door32 dropfiles. OgX Software. Freeware!

The Arkhaim Asylum

The Arkhaim Asylum Version: 2.04 - Door Game Full Release Programed By & Story Line By: Christian Danychuk Programer and Sysop of The Firm BBS.

Arkhaim Asylum KeyFile Generator

The Arkhaim Asylum Keyfile Generator - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game The Arkhaim Asylum by Christian A. Danychuk of The Firm Institution.

Arm of the Dragon

Arm of the Dragon v5.55b - Third Edition, Release 2, This is the latest unregistered version of a simple sci-fi (for lack of a better term) online game from DevOnline.

Arm of the Dragon Keyfile Generator

Arm of the Dragon Keyfile Generator - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Arm of the Dragon by Steven H. Lin.

Arm of the Gods

Arm of the Gods v1.3 - An on-line game designed to put you in the place of 1 of 10 gods in a multitheistic world. Cause miracles, gather followers (Which will make you a winner), create artifacts, and much more.

Arm of the Gods Registration Code Generator

Arm of the Gods Registration Code Generator - Generates a registration code for the door game Arm of the Gods by Christopher Pierce Conner. Read README.TXT before using!

ARM of the GOLD Griffin

ARM of the GOLD Griffin - A great new RPG door game for all BBS's that use DOOR.SYS. Eight races to choose from, and seven classes. Shall you rule a kingdom, or rule the Skys, or just be a citizen? Any which way you go, your quest is to kill the GOLD GRIFFIN.

Gold Griffin Game Key

Arm Of The Gold Griffin BBS Door game key - Released as freeware by author [Talon Innovations]


Armageddon V1.06! - The long awaited new version of Armageddon is finally here! This totally re-written version features wicked new ANSIs done by OutWorld Arts! This strategic war game becomes more greater and will recapture your awe!

Armageddon Code Generator

Armageddon Registration Code Generator - Creates a set of registration codes for the door game Armageddon by Brad Carson.

Arrowbridge I

ARROWBRIDGE I - Quest for the Orb v1.40 - Arrowbridge Online Game is an Ultima style door. It has active combat routines, over 240000 locations and supports multinode systems. Players must earn experience, explore the land, raid burial chambers, build armies, gather magic weapons, complete special missions and much much more! The game can operate on an Inter-BBS basis with features including Inter-BBS assassins, destructors and a top 100 player list. Arrowbridge can be equally enjoyed by playing it on a stand-alone basis. Insist on the original!

Arrowbridge I Keymaker


Arrowbridge II

Arrowbridge II - The Guardians of Darkness, is a fully featured Inter-BBS door. Voted one of the top five doors for 1997, ABII is the sequel to the classic hit door Arrowbridge. Players must earn experience, explore the land, raid dungeons, joust and duel players, build armies, gather magic weapons, form teams, complete special missions and much, much more. ABII also features the capability of game coordinators creating their own lands, dungeons, missions and hints using a map editor. Optional advanced Inter-BBS functions include assassins, duels, castles, armies, taxation, spells, black clouds, gold transfer and much more. Get Arrowbridge II and bring

Arrowbridge 2 Key

Arrowbridge 2 Abandonware Reg Key


Assassin v1.10 - Medieval Adventure, where you must persue and assassinate victims. Multi-Node Aware, MultiTasker Aware. Full support for Fossil DigiBoard and Serial Port communications. Original Programming: Kevin McFarland

Assassin Registration Keygen

Assassin (PC version) - Registration Keygen Creates a registration keyfile and passkey for the door game Assassin (PC version) by Kevin MacFarland.


Avalon v0.77 Wide Beta 3 - Many have thought they have seen all there is to BBS door-gaming.... Avalon creates an entirely new world with explosive options, game-interaction, and an awesome story-line! Live The Epic...In AVALON!

Avalon Registration Code Generator

Avalon Registration Code Generator - Creates registration codes for the door game Avalon by Blazing Fire Software/Auspisoft.

Avatars of Screaming Steel

AVATARS OF SCREAMING STEEL 1.30d; A simple - Arena-type game using anticipatory attack techniques instead of the tired-old "hit" and "hit" and "hit", ad nauseum. From the creator of ARM OF THE DRAGON and METRO-MEZZANINE! Contemporaries are Melee! and The Pit. Supports DigiBoard, FOSSILs, & non-standard ports!

Avatars of Screaming Steel Key Generator

Avatars of Screaming Steel key generator - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Avatars of Screaming Steel by Steven H. Lin.

Axe and Fang

Axe & Fang Version 1.18 Public - Axe & Fang is a unix style MUD game. It features 127 node support over 65 interactive commands and real time play. When players reach 25th level they may then begin adding onto the world with it's built in editors. See AXE.DOC for more info.

Axe and Fang Registration Key

Axe and Fang V1.18 Registration Key


BatGuy ver 3.0 by Mike Wilson. The object of BATGUY is to combat the Joker and win BATBUCKS! BATGUY is often humorous and you never know what to expect from him. This game has free key.

Battle of The Arts

Battle of The Arts v2.20 - An RPG Based Door Game Dealing with the Martial Arts. Gang feature- Allows more interaction 48 NPC players to compete against Conversation, Babes, and More. Very Powerful Game Editor Supports almost any BBS

Battle of The Arts Regcode Generator

Regcode generator for Battle of the Arts v2.x Creates a registration code for the door game Battle of the Arts version 2.xx by Robert Colozza.

BBS Drag Racing

BBS Drag Racing ver 2.39 - A Great DRAG RACING Simulation to play on any BBS. MULTI-NODE Interactive RACES. Wager against other players as well as against the track. Full report of who raced you and how much they beatout of you. Has Built in internal serial routines and ansi support. Rule the Drag Racing Circuit. Very popular game. Only takes a few minutes per day for players to take their races. See reg#.txt for registration information.

BBS Roulette

BBS Roulette v1.2. Full screen ANSI Roulette DOOR game for many BBS types from J & W Software. NEW: support for FOSSIL ports, alias support (DOOR.SYS only). Features include: ANSI animation, Multi-node support, easy setup and no maintenance. See Readme.txt for installation.

BBS Simulator

BBS Simulator v2.40 - Win32/DOS Version - A doorgame for ANY BBS. Now supports the Door32 standard! Let your users try their hands at running their own board. Good quality game, short and sweet game play. Players are ranked by the number of subscribers they have. Real world problems. MANY new features! Now comes with a player editor! Up to 32,000 sysop definable in game messages now! The BEST BBS Simulation game available! FREEWARE!

BBS Vaders

BBS Vaders ver 1.22 - COOL ANSI ARCADE GAME!! Fixes "old"gun characters left on screen. New bonus for unused fuel between each round. Blast those darn "Vaders" before they land or before they zap you with the deadly heat ray. Earn guided missiles! Four Waves of aliens in the registered version!

BBS Vaders Key Code Generator

BBS Vaders registration code generator Creates registration codes for the door game BBS Vaders by Cothran Computing.

BBS Yahtzee

BBS Yahtzee v1.07 by Chris Neubauer - No shareware screens or delays. Excellent Yahtzee game.


Barney Splat! - An online game where you and your users CAN KILL Barney, our FAVORITE Purple Dinosaur! DEMENTED! Bong Software==>Free!!!

Betrayal of the Obsidian Baboon

Betrayal of the Obsidian Baboon v1.1 - RPG adventure door with combat, intregue humor, and loads of detail. Includes 10 selectable races and classes, each with different abilities and combat actions, upgradable equipment with special powers, 'Implant' support for external modules, full internode support with chat and combat, and a myriad of other features!

Obsidian Baboon Code Generator

Betrayal of the Obsidian Baboon v1.1 codegen Creates a registration code for the door game Betrayal of the Obsidian Baboon version 1.1 by Serendipity Software Designs.

Big Boggle Word Game

ParrotSoft Big Boggle Word Game Door v 4.14 - For most BBS systems. Big Boggle is based on the original Parker Brothers game. You have a grid of 25 letter cubes and have to make as many 4 or more letter words as you can find. The letters have to be touching and can only be used once per word. Extra features configurable by sysops: bonus points, # of missed days, games per day, time per game. Door will run on most major BBS systems. Door now runs with weekly scoring. Supports Multi-nodes and Non-Standard com port IRQ's. The dictionary files are included in this .zip file.

Big Boggle Registration Code

ParrotSoft Big Boggle Word Game Door - Generic Registration Code


Bingo V1.30 - The Bingo live game plays exactly like the local Bingo Parlor games. A player purchases a card for $5 and then the bingo balls are mixed and called one at a time. The player marks his card as the balls are called and if they get five in a row diagonally, horizontally or vertically they can call Bingo. A bingo wins the pot. Original Programming by: Mike Wilson Updated by: Marty Blankenship. This game has free key.

Blackjack Battle Deluxe

Blackjack Battle Deluxe - The game of Blackjack Battle Deluxe plays much like the card game of blackjack. You must try to get as close to 21 as possible without exceeding 21. You may bet against either the house or another players bank account. This game has free key.

Blood Shed

Blood Shed v0.98 - A multi-player text based RPG door game.

Blood Shed Registration Code Generator

Blood Shed v0.98 - Registration Code Generator.

Board Master

Board Master v2.4 - F.U.S.S. Software A truly fun & addictive BBS simulation door game. Inter-BBS, Multi-node/tasking, Supports most drop file formats.

Board Master Registration Keyfile Generator

Board Master registration keyfile generator. Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Board Master by Heavenware Software/F.U.S.S. Software.

Bob Dalton Free Games

11 FREEWARE DOS Door Games by Bob Dalton Included in this archive are 11 DOS ANSI/ASCII Door Games and their key codes. Games included are GodFather of Crime, Rise To Power, Death by Trivia, Adventure Door Game Toolkit, CampTown Races, Escape, Grunt Fest, Ship of the Line, Task Force Broadside, Way Freight and BioGuide.


Boxcars 1.01 BBS Door Game Boxcars is a blackjack dice game. Each player can bet credits on the rolls of the dice. Each month the player with the most credits is put on a monthly winner list and the game resets automatically. Multi-node friendly! Supports std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win, and OS/2 aware.

BoxCars Registration

Jibben Software released registration for BoxCars

Brainex Door Master and Programs

Brainex Door Programs - All Brainex Doors require the Door Manager. Makes installation of new doors easy! Configures your CDROM, comports, nodes, etc. Works with most BBS types. This zip file contains the door manager, the door programs, and a text file of registration numbers from Follow the instructins in this text file.


Buccaneer v2.10; Permits users to roam about on a 13x13 grid, attacking each other and treasure ships.

Buccaneer Key File Generator

Buccaneer 2.10 (door game, DOS)keygen by akacastor 2024-03-04 Creates BUCK.KEY /h5>


BUZZ v1.1 - REGISTERED - The original role-playing game of drug abuse! Reach the ozone layer before burning all your brain cells! Grow your hair, go to jail, jump our the window if you take too many drugs. MUCH more! No sysop maintenance, multi-node, no FOSSIL required, supports non-standard COM ports.

Caribbean Contraband

Caribbean Contraband v2.8; BBS Door Game. Test your skills at buy ing & selling contraband while traveling the Caribbean Sea! Highly addictive and Entertaining Game! Supports PCBoard, Wildcat!, DOOR.SYS, MikeBBS and DORINFOx.DEF System Files.

Caribbean Contraband Registration File

Caribbean Contraband Registration Number. Enjoy!


Cartel v2.6 Manage your own Drug ring BBS Door. Now Multi-Node!

Cartel Registration Generator

Cartel (EDGE DoorWare) registration generator Creates registration codes and keyfiles for the door game Cartel by EDGE DoorWare.

Castle Siege

W & W Communications CASTLE SIEGE door. Castle Siege is a multiplayer realtime interactive adventure game where players attempt to build their forces in order to topple the Castle. There are magic items, wizards, beasts, enemy warriors and many other items of interest in this interactive game.

Castle Siege Key Generator

Key generator for Castle Siege - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Castle Siege version 1.xx by W & W Communications.


Catacombs is a game of empire builidng and strategy. The game plots you as the leader of a clan, in an undeveloped dungeon. Your job is to dig and mine out your dungeon, build buidings to attract monsters and heros to clan, and build an army of monsters and heros to defend your dungeon and attack other clan's dungeons. But beware, your enemies are also buiding an army of their own, with one thing in mind, destroying you! And, you greatest defense will the complex maze of hallways you create, in your CATACOMB!

Catacombs Code Generator

Catacombs v2.02b - Codegen/Crack - Registers the door game Catacombs version 2.02b by Frank Rauhuff of Realms-Online.


Chameleon ver. 1.01 - Chameleon is a game like Lord. It is a fast paced game, that takes place in Future times. Your Adventure includes battles with monsters, futuristic weapons, time jumping, and a lot of fun. This is ver. 1.01. The wide release. It has been fully beta tested, and was made by a 16 year old kid. Download it for me, at least Try it. I am sure you will LOVE It. By, Zach Gusky.

This was a difficult game for me to set up. I could not get the newer version to run consistantly so I went to this one.

Chameleon Registration Code Generator

Chameleon Registration Code Generator - Creates registration codes for the BBS door game Chameleon by PRoToN Software.

Com Checkers

Com Checkers V 1.0 - A BBS Door game that Learns to Play Checkers with your users. Freeware! From VagaBond Software.

Cop Squad

COP SQUAD v1.46 - Like to play "Cops & Robbers" ? This game gives you a chance to test your knowledge of law and your use of your own common sense. Your goal is to rise from the rank of ROOKIE to become the CHIEF OF POLICE! You will take promotional exams, visit doughnut shops, conduct investigations and fight your suspects.

Cop Squad Registration Key Generator

Cop Squad registration key/keyfile generator. Creates registration codes and keyfiles for the door game Cop Squad by Phoenix Data Systems, Inc.

Crime Quest

CRIME QUEST - BBS DOOR GAME (RPG) v1.14 - High action thriller with over 190 ANSI screens and ANIMATIONS. This is a "NEW" style of RPG door game. 255 game levels create unleveled fun! Be a Cop or Thug! IGM compatibility makes it different for everyone. Use RADAR, Fight Players, use the COMPUTER, visit the BAR, use the ATM and a LOT MORE! Configurable! Quick and EASY setup. Great game editor. This is a "MUST HAVE" door game for your users! This is the FULL version, not a Fix-Pak!

Crime Quest Code/Key Generator

CRIME QUEST - Code/Key Generator - Registers the BBS door game by Ross Cassell

Cripple Smash

Cripple Smash v0.0021 - Ben Freeman - Your primary objective will be to figure out what this game is all about. Throw away most of what you know about conventional doors... This one pushes the limits of what should and shouldn't be done or said.

Cyber Arena

Cyber Areana v1.20 - Matthew Bush. There is a newer version of this game, maybe two. I could not get version 2.30 to run. I've seen 1.80 also, can't find that file.

Cyber Arena Registration Keyfile Generator

Cyber Arena Registration Keyfile Generator - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Cyber Arena by Matthew Bush.

Dark Lands

Dark Lands 0.19 - Dark Lands is a RPG game where player can choose over 12 races and over 60 sub-races each with their own skills. They alse can build their own cities, make war, battle each other, go on quests. The data file editor is included so that you can customize the map, monsters, weapons and other game item. Dark Lands requires a fossil to work, and is email-ware. You can register this on the support website

Darkness v2.0.0

NEW FOR 2020: Completely recoded and redesigned version of the cyberpunk LORD style BBS door game! E-Mail registration

Day of Reckoning

Day of Reckoning v1.11 - Tons of special moves and combos!!!! Action-packed new fighting abilities. Cool team/fortress fighting, a must! Fight in ninja-monkeys in the trees! Discover codes and explore the map!! Upgrade your weapons, armor, & stats. Written by Jason Coo - InfinitySoftware

Day of Reckoning Registration Code Generator

Day of Reckoning Registration Code Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game Day of Reckoning by Infinity Software.

Death Masters

DEATH MASTERS v1.50 - Two levels added, New spell (BLINDNESS),and ALL KNOWN BUGS KILLED (including 1 serious). A door game with intense gruesome action!! Fully MULTINODE aware! 50-Node public chat, telegrams, live battles, etc. Popup boxes and scrollable menus provide an easy to use interface: players concentrate on escaping hell, not on learning the game.

Death Masters Registration Code Generator

DEATH MASTERS v1.50 - Generates a key file for the game by Carlos Garcia.

Deluxe HiLo

Deluxe HiLo - Popular card game of HiLo. Bet that the next card will be either Higher or Lower than the face card. Watch for that Joker! You lose it all! This game has free key.


DETONATE! v1.4 Use luck and logic to locate and destroy 8 bombs before they destroy you! A BBS adaptation of Minesweeper. Supports 52-line DOOR.SYS.

Detonate Registration Code Generator

Detonate Registration Code Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game Detonate! by Steve Sharpe.

Dice Duel

The object of Dice Duel is to roll five dice (up to three times) while trying to fill the score card. You must fill spaces such as Full House Five of a Kind - etc to score point values. This game has free key.

Dirt Cheap Software

Dirt Cheap Software keyfile generator Registers Buzz, BCheckers, Kaboom!, Tic-Tac-Time, Toilet Stall, and Towers of Hanoi by Dirt Cheap Software. The zip file currently does not contain the program files for Tic-Tac-Time or Toilet Stall.


DogWorld v1.54 - Advanced RPG Door Game! **AN RPG THATS REALLY GONE TO THE DOGS!** New inventory items & smart NPC oneliners! Multinode, non-standard irq's, locked baud to 115k. Fossil/internal. Major dropfiles supported. Be one of 16 breed of dog. Beat the evil Dog Catcher! Amazingly detailed Rip Graphics! In-game RIP icon D/L, unique IGM support, 144 enemies and much, more. ***ALL YOUR USERS WILL LOVE THIS GAME!!*** Cothran Computing

DogWorld Registration Code Generator

DogWorld registration code generator Creates registration codes for the BBS door games DogWorld and DogWorld ][ by Cothran Computing.

DogWorld ][

DogWorld ][ v3.01 - Advanced RPG DoorGame! AN RPG THATS REALLY GONE TO THE DOGS! NEW FREEWARE VERSION RELEASED! Quest scripting language! Supports 999 IGMs/999 DogQuests! Multinode, nonstandard irq's, locked baud to 115k. All major dropfiles are supported. Be one of 16 breed of dogs. Beat the evil DogCatcher!! ALL YOUR USERS WILL LOVE THIS GAME! Cothran Computing - registration - FREE!!

Domain Poker

Domain Poker v2K - A 5 card draw, multi-player, interactive poker game for Synchronet BBS systems. Supports multiple tables/limits and an intelligent computer opponent. - Freeware

Door Adventure

DOOR ADVENTURE, an adventure in a BBS door. This is the classic Adventure that started it all, turned into a BBS door game. To make it suitable for a BBS, it observes the BBS's time limit,keeps a separate save file for each player, and has a high-scores list. The supported door chain files are DORINFO1.DEF, CALLINFO.BBS, CHAIN.TXT, and DOOR.SYS. Multi-line compatible. Simple to install. Freeware.


DoorMania v4.05 - 12 Popular Doors In One Blackjack, Lucky 7, Plinko, High Roller, Card Guess, Point Vault, Master Trivia, Chance Board, Concentration, and MORE On A Monopoly-Style Playboard. High Scores Cycle Monthly. Rip 1.54 Compatible!
Original Programming by: Todd Carlton


DOORMUD v0.99 (Win32/XTRN.DAT) - NOTE -- This version of DoorMUD is made exclusively for Synchronet v3 boards.
A doorgame RPG like no other! DoorMUD is a full-featured MUD with excellent multi-node gameplay and a large game world consisting of 2100 rooms! Has 200+ unique items, 50 spells, tons of boss monsters and quests, lots more. Registered version comes with a World Editor for sysops!

DoorMud Key

This is the official doormud keygen released by the author on forumshq. This ZIP file also includes the game files.

Double or Nothing

Double or Nothing v3.3 - Double or Nothing is a game of chance and skill that allows users to roll the dice and try to determine whether the next die will be higher or lower than the first.

The Dragon's Claw

The Dragon's Claw v.3.0 - In your quest to slay the evil Baldor you will explore the richly illustrated ANSI terrain, delve into the depths of multi-level dugeons, fight other players and over 200 monsters, and collect fabulous weapons and magical relics. Uses fossil, or interrupt driven COM routines for best compatability.

The Dragon's Claw Key Generator

The Dragon's Claw Scenario Module and Rude Dog On-Line Adventure Engine Key Generator

Dust to Dust

Dust2Dust v1.11 - DUST2DUST: THE GOD MACHINE - NEW release of the fab BBS game. Tired of LORD clones? Well this game is something new in the BBS world. More sophisticated than the fantastic Civilization, but it's not even close! Superb ANSI ingame graphics! Tonnes of variety, action, humour and interaction! Don't miss out on the new wave. !WOW! 40 Missions!

Eclectic Avenue

Eclectic Avenue 2.02FW. The Final FREEWARE release (including source code!) of the BBS board game door where players attempt to own entire City Blocks to collect higher rent from other players. Supports FOSSIL/ASYNC, DORINFO/DOOR.SYS, installation and configuration editor for easy use. WARNING: File scanners set to re-archive the INSTALL.DAT zip file will destroy the install programs ability to install this program!

Empires at War

Empires at War v2.53 - Game of conquest and empire building in Napoleonic Europe. Geographical and political maps. Inter-BBS capable. Six players per game - 6 empires - France, England, Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Ottoman Turks. Economics, politics, weather, army and navy building, morale, leaders, events like rebellions or alliances. Original Programming: Steve Lorenz - BBSFiles Free Key


ESP Extra Sensory Perception! v2.5 - Guess which Die is going to turn up. Fun for all ages. Another BBS Door program form PAROLE Software. Freeware

Esterian Conquest

Esterian Conquest v1.50 - Hottest galactic door game around. Registered in 14 countries Computer Gaming World called it " of the best on-line games of the '90s".
Includes a key generator for Esterian Conquest 1.50. Creates a registration keyfile ECKEY1X.BIN for Esterian Conquest version 1.50.


Evidence - Figure Out Who Dunnit! - The object of Evidence is to roll the dice and move around the board to solve a murder. As you move, you will encounter several rooms. You will be told who is in the room and if they did it, what weapon is in the room and if it was used and if the crime occured within the room. This game has free key.

Exitilus v3.20

Exitilus is a fantasy door game involving tremendus monster battles, bloody player fights, highly intelligent magic, many weird creatures, wheeling and dealing as a merchant, thrones to overthrow, kingdoms to conquer, and fun to have.

Exitilus Key File Generator

Exitilus 3.17 - Keymaker by The GodFader PZ Crack Team - Has been tested on 3.20. Copy files to your Exitilus directory and run PZ_EXI37.EXE


Falkenpede by Vangelis - Unlike virtually all onlines games today, Falkenpede is played in "real time"; the action does not come screeching to a halt, waiting for the player to enter a command. It runs really fast and will pretty much be unplayable with out using something like Mo'Slo Deluxe. (I found I had to purchase the deluxe version, the freeware one did not work.) I use this command line: C:\MOSLO\MOSLO.COM /P4 /2 FALKPEDE.EXE DOORSYS /N%# /F

Falkenpede Registration Keyfile Generator

Falkenpede registration keyfile generator Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Falkenpede version 1.20 and above by Crystalmist Technologies.

Farmers and Kings

Farmers & Kings v 2.02 - BBS Door Game

Farmers and Kings Key Generator

Farmers & Kings KeyGen - Works with Version 2.x

Flip the Bits

Flip the Bits 1.20 - (Free-ware) BBS word puzzle game door that challenges players to achieve the highest monthly score. Can operate in optional Hang-Man mode. Works with DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS BBS types. Recognizes RipScript terminals and adjusts for them. JPSoft... Free-ware for your BBS. Lots of new formatting, features, puzzles, and more.

Field of Honor

Field of Honor v2.09: Multi-node Door - Field of Honor online RPG adventure. Enter the old world, survival of the fittest. Where only the strong survive, and the best become the rulers. Field of Honor offers many areas to hunt, challenges in the field, and lots of secrets to discover in an interactive town. Featuring customizable enemies, weapons, armours, and levels. Also full RIP script and ANSI support, with custom screens. And FOH has the ability to run other Doors from a Dock area!

Field of Honor Code/Key Generator

Field of Honor - Code/Key Generator - Registers the BBS door game by Scott Vermeersch

Food Fight

FOOD FIGHT BBS Door Game v4.6 - FREE - Addictive, Colorful, Fast-paced, fun. A popular game on every board. Very simply, the callers find money, buy food, and throw it. You get points if hit, and lose points if you miss. There is a bank to save your money, get loans and protect yourself from robbery. There is protection to help you out Food items, protection and a dozen other options are 100% configurable by the sysop. Supports DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS and DORINFOx.DEF. NO EXPIRE, no keys. Author: Michael Wilson

Food Wars

Food Wars 2.10 - Exciting door game from the makers of Nexus and FOD! This game supports fossil drivers, non-standard IRQ's, locked baud rates, DIGIBOARD, and comms 1-4. Food Wars is a humerous role playing game that is fun to play yet low on violence. Players are placed in Microlimp Jr High "for problem children" where they get involved in a massive campus food war! Players fight computer "monsters" like the School Nerd and Class President, as well as going up against each other. Game has 41 levels and can be won. This door IS NOW FREE!! No registration required. The door is fully operational. Enjoy.

Forces of Darkness

Forces of Darkness 2.01 SE - Greatest space role playing adventure ever created! Very fun! This is not a space trading game, but a role playing game set in space. The monsters you fight are space monsters. You travel from planet to planet as your character advances up the ranks of the galactic street fighters. This door features support for fossil drivers, non-standard IRQ's, locked baud rates and more. Setup is a snap.

For Honour

For Honour by Andrew Pamment - For Honour is a BBS door game similar to LORD. Now with LUA IGM Support! It is opensource. v1.90-dev win32

Foyle's Casino of Dice Games

Foyle's Casino of Dice Games v1.0 - BBS Door Game. 9 October 1993 (c)1993 - CIOE Corp

Foyle's Casino Registration Keyfile Generator

Foyle's Casino Registratin Keyfile Generator - Creates a registration key for the door game Foyle's Casino of Dice Games by CIOE Corp.

Freshwater Fishing Simulator

Freshwater Fishing Simulator v 2.7.001 - Door by Eric Hamilton - Fishing door. 28 different types of fish. Up to 4, sysop configurable, tournaments running at a time. 5 lakes to choose from, 20 when registered. DV, WIN, OS/2 aware. Handles up to 20 nodes when registered. Compiled 5/18/95.

Freshwater Fishing Code Generator

Freshwater Fishing Simulator code generator. Creates a registration code for the door game Freshwater Fishing Simulator by Eric Hamilton.

Funky Jewel Master

The Funky Jewel Master 1.0 - This Tetris Type Puzzle Game Is kinda like columns From sega you match the falling jewels to make lines to score points try it! For any door.sys or dorinfo.def bbs

Funky Jewel Master Corrected EXE files

The Funky Jewel Master - These are the patched EXE files for the game. Just over wright the ones in the zip file JEWELM1.ZIP and your game should run normally. If your games runs erratic I recommend an external fossil driver like NETFOSSIL. There are some generic registration codes included in this file, or use the FJREG.ZIP file below to create a custom key file for your BBS.

Funky Jewel Master Code Generator

The Funky Jewel Master Registration Code Generator - Creates a registration code for door game written by Joe Clarke. Sample set up instructions are in the README text file.

Future Runner

Future Runner v3.71 - On-Line Door Game for most All BBS Programs. Future Runner is a Futuristic Role Playing Game that is never the same each time the game is won and restarted. There are over 160 different play variations depending on the play version, who hired you, object you are searching for and the character you select. Over 150 different location and Ansi color screens give you a realistic view of where you are. We have even added a little Ansi Animation like Hover Cabs and Computer Terminals.

Future Runner Registration File

Future Runner Registration File. Enjoy!

Galactic Dynasty

Galactic Dynasty by Andrew Pamment - Galactic Dynasty is a BBS door game similar to Solar Realms Elite. It is interBBS capable and opensource. v1.2.1-dev WIN32

Galactic Dynasty 2

GALACTIC DYNASTY 2 (dev7) - A new remake of Galactic Dynasty. For Win32, Linux and Source Available. An new apam door in 2021

Galactic Empire

Galactic Empire v6.2 - This door allows up to 100 users to scout out nearby planets and launch fleets to take them over... Strategy or luck? You be the judge... Many features, multi-node compatible, uses a fossil for compatability... GEM (Galactic Empire Module) capability for external IGMs! Great door for any BBS!

Galactic Empire Keyfile Generator

Keyfile Generator for Galactic Empire - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Galactic Empire by "Weird Al" Walker and Gerald T. "Tommy" Albion.

Galactic Overlord

Galactic Overlord 1.36 BBS Door Game GO is a game of galactic conquest. Each player will attempt to control a universe of planets. GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation and is Multi-node friendly! Uses JSW Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI, doc, etc. files for the game. Supports std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win, and OS/2 aware.

Galactic Overlord Registration

Jibben Software released registration for Galactic Overlord

Galactic Warzone II

Galactic Warzone is yet another clone of the popular door game, trade wars by Chris Sherrick, but this one is different - I have written the game entirely in Turbo Pascal version 5.5 which has given me the abiliuty to add MANY options and enhancements. By Scott Baker. I don't see any crippled features in this game.

Galaxy 5

Galaxy 5 v1.09b by -Noel Software - The medieval days are in the past...the 21st century is upon us. And it needs YOU. Supports external 3rd party doors, there are 5 planets in Galaxy 5 that players can visit, internal mail writing routines with word wrap and quote on reply, online battles between two players, multi node compatible, many SysOp configurable options, and much more

Galaxy 5 Reg Key

Registration key for Galaxy 5 - Extract it into the game directory.

Gamble 'N Guess

Gamble 'N Guess - A Game of Change - The object of Gamble N' Guess is to guess which shell that under.(like a carnival shell game) You are given $500 to begin the game. You may wager your money and take up to 15 chances per day to try to win more money. This game has free key.

Gang Warfare

Gang Warfare Version 2.0 - Make your gang rule the streets in this upgrade of the Cott Lang Orignal.

Gang Warz!

Gang Warz is a game of gang warfare and doing drugs on the street. You choose 1 of 8 gangs to play every day, and fight until you are nearly dead. Then you can go back to your hideout and do drugs for some bonus points! For entertainment purposes only! Supports DOOR.SYS, CHAIN.TXT, and DORINFO1.DEF dropfiles...


Geopolitik v2.0 - Originaly a game for WWIV. - New modifications by Scott Baker

Gold Hunt

Gold Hunt v6.20 - This ANSI game is simple to play with all instructions in the door itself. You start at the entrance to a mine and all you have to do is explore the mine looking for gold. Along the way are storage boxes which could hold some items useful to you on your quest. Be careful for disasters which could befall you on your journey through the mine. This release version has switched to support almost any BBS drop file, multi node systems and for Non-Standard Com Port IRQ's. New weekly scoring format. Original Programming: Robert Poirier - Free key in GOLD.CFG file.


BBS GOLF 2.56 - A Great Golf Simulation to play on any BBS. Actually play golf on ansi Golf course screens. Selection of clubs, Angle and Power. Has Built in internal serial routines and ansi support. Become a Legendary Golfer. See reg#.txt for registration information.

Gopher Hunt

Gopher Hunt v1.1b - An easy to setup door game for WildCat!, PCBoard, Spitfire, and many others. Directly supports DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, DOORINFx.DEF plus it supports ALL bbss' by the use of a GENERIC.SYS file. GOPHER HUNT is not complicated to play and is proven to be loads of fun. Original Programming: Rick Damiani

Gopher Hunt Key File Gen

-=GOPHER HUNT v1.1=- An easy to setup door game for WildCat!, PCBoard, Spitfire, and many others. Keymaker. Enjoy!! Original Programming: Rick Damiani


G O T H I K v 1.7.2 ~ FREEWARE UPDATE! Copyright (C) 2004 AQUARIUS Software. GOTHIK is a BBS door RPG game with a modern gothic vampire setting. Now with MULTINODE HEAD-TO-HEAD COMBAT! This archive includes the Blue Moon IGM with C source code!

Grounds of Battle

Grounds of Battle 1.00 - An adventure game for BBS Systems

Grounds of Battle Regcode Generator

Grounds of Battle Regcode Generator - Registers the door game The Grounds of Battle by Chris Curtis.


GRUNT! v1.040 - FANTASY ROLE PLAYING GAME - A FULLY INTERACTIVE RPG GAME! Full of shops and secret places. Wander a 400+ room town with doors, portals, gates and more! Interact with your surroundings and other players! Contains rings, wands, potions, scrolls and spells, player classes & more!

Grunt! Key Generator

Key generator for Grunt! v1.040 + RTE200 fix. Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Grunt! v1.040 by Michael S. Hoenie. Also includes a utility to allow Runtime error 200 patching for version 1.040.


GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.02 - Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit. Simply the B E S T bowling door you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive animation! Bowl the nearly true action-pin-reaction. Featuring multi-node, multi-OS support and Telnet support. Supports nearly every known dropfile. Copyright ChasWare Software (c) 1996-2004 Release date --- January 4, 2004


GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - IGM Pack 16bit/32bit versions included! Gutterbowl Colors - allow users to change their in game colors. Bowlers Banter - allow players to exchange verbal blows in this oneline program. - SweetSpot - allows players to select default ball and curve position Copyright ChasWare Software (c) 1996-2003 Release date --- August 24, 2003


GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.02 -KEYGEN- This is legit keygen release by the author of the product. Enjoy Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit Simply the B E S T bowling door you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive animation! Bowl the nearly true action-pin-reaction. Featuring multi-node, multi-OS support and Telnet support. Supports nearly every known dropfile. Copyright ChasWare Software(c) 1996-2009 Release date ---- AUGUST 5, 2009

Hack BBSes!

Hack BBSes! - Now Freeware

High Seas Armada

High Seas Armada v4.0 - A scavenger hunt door where players search for buried treasure (gold coins). Supports FOSSIL drivers, non-standard ports. DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS, DORINFOx.DEF Quality BBS Door Software for Less. GAMEKEEPER DOORWARE 1995

High Seas Armada Registration Code Generator

High Seas Armada Registration Code Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game High Seas Armada versions 3.0 and above by Steve Sharpe.

Hobbit Trivia

Hobbit Trivia IV v2.5 - Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the Hobbit stories. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200.

Hobbit Trivia Registration File

Hobbit Trivia IV Registration File. Enjoy


Imperium v3.52 - Strategic Wargame Door Similar to the old DEC game of Empire. Support for up to 31 players, map sizes up to 32k x 32k, 16 different terrain types and 30 different & completely editable unit types Can utilize internal or fossil I/O routines.

Imperium Keyfile Generator

Imperium v3.50+ keyfile generator - Creates a registration key for the door game Imperium by Search IV, versions 3.50 and later.


INFERNO v0.92(B) Online Door Game

If you get the message on the remote side that ANSI is required to run this game you will need remove the semi-colon from in front of the line for COLOR1 in INFERNO.CTL.

Inferno Registration Keyfile Generator

Inferno Registration Keyfile Generator - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Inferno by Zachary Benz.

Inter-Steller Annihilation

Inter-Stellar Annihilation v0.994A - This classic multi-bbs online game features Multi-BBS Attack, send messages and work with people from other BBS's when coupled with a Fido compatable mailer. This online game will provide your users with a unique opportunity to play online games with more people than just your BBS! Supports all the most popular BBS packages including DOOR32, WildCat, GAP, PCBoard, WWIV, TriBBS, and more! Now FOSSIL and Telnet aware, and supports IGMs. From TayNik Software Copyright (c)1996-2003 Andy Stewart - Fixes Maintenance Error

Inter-Steller Annihilation Registration Creator

Inter-Steller Annihilation Registration Creator v1.2

Island Empires

Island Empires v2.23 - Island Empires On-Line Door Game for most BBS programs. Island Empires is an exciting sequel to our Rebel Kingdom Door Game. In Island Empires you start with one Island out of a 100 on the map. Once you have developed your Empire on that Island you will build you sailing fleet and set out to develope other Islands while searching and conquoring your opponents islands. You must have developed 5 Islands and destroy 3 opponents Islands in order to win. While on the open seas there are plenty of things that could go wrong so careful preparation is a must. Complete with on-line editor and maintenance module. Max Players, # of Islands, # of Play Days, Auto-Delete inactive players and Door Sysop all Sysop Definable.

Island Empires Registration File

Island Empires - Registration File. Enjoy


Iraq-Noid Help! - The objuect of Iraq-Noids is to move around a 1000 sector desert and build an army by re-building bombed industries and buying mercenaries. As you try to build your army others may fight you in an attempt to take over your businesses. They may also drop landmines in your path or you may have the misfortune of encountering chemical gas or a S.C.U.D. - BBSFiles Free Key

Iron Ox

Iron Ox 3.10 -- A New Universe! Enjoy beautiful RIP art, land developments like forts and refineries, programmable drones that fight and work the land in real time, and much more. Now with three new drone classes, factories, and remote IBBS reset. Don't miss this game!

Iron Ox 64BIT Keygen

64BIT Keygen for "Iron Ox" BBS door game. Use a 64bit Windows to run it.

Iron War

Iron War v1.07 - This is a BBS door game like no other, true one of a kind and completly new type of a door game. You have a Corporation that has a base on Mars where you dig up Iron and compete against other players. An economy / strategy game with a whole new concept. Supports all major boards. Original Programming: Ognjen Honovic. Comes with a free key from, look in REGCODE.TXT.


JEZEBEL! Version 2.4 Excellent New RPG where the player becomes a computer virus and tries to conquere the computer. Players are ranked by their size, which increases as players destroy programs. Players must answer a riddle to increase a level. FREEWARE! [WIN32/DOS/OS2 Versions]

JNS - 5 Card Draw Poker

5 Card Draw Poker v2.15A --- By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. A nice poker game where the user plays against the dealing computer.

JNS - Amazing Memory

Amazing Memory Door v4.25A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. Simon clone where the game displays a sequence and the user repeats it.

JNS - Bomb Squad

Bomb Squad v1.0 By JNS Software, Released 8-06-95. A power of deduction game where you try to deactivate bombs before they explode.
Detection and has several new features over.

JNS - Boxed Poker

Boxed Poker Door Game v4.15A By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. Place Cards in a 5x5 grid to come up with the best ten poker hands.

JNS - Double SoliTree

Double SoliTree Game v2.2 By JNS Software Released 8-06-95. If you like SoliTree you will love this. Like Soli-Tree With 2 Decks!

JNS - Free Cell Solitaire

Free Cell Solitaire v1.0, by JNS Software 8-10-95 Tuff Solitaire Card game that takes a lot of skill to remove cards from table.

JNS - Forty Thieves

Forty Thieves Solitaire v1.2 by JNS Software 7-29-96 Nice Solitaire Card game where the user must win to play. Simular To Golf-St.

JNS - Golf Solitaire

Golf Solitaire Door v4.5 By JNS Software, Released 1-10-97. This is a solitaire card game which features Tournament Play for a very competitive game.

JNS - In-Between

In-Between Door Game v5.0 - By JNS Software Released 1-10-97. This is a simple but yet a very aggravating card high/low card game.

JNS - Idiot's Delight

Idiot's Delight Door v1.5 By JNS Software Released 6-08-96. You can't be an idiot if you want to win this solitaire card game.

JNS - Kings Last

Kings Last Door Game v2.15A By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. A pure luck Solitaire game that children really like, and adults too!

JNS - Match-Two

Match-Two Door Game v1.25A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94 This is a poker style card game in which you bet on matching cards. It is tuff. Non Standard Com Port addressing &

JNS - Montana Solitaire

Montana Solitaire v1.1 - by JNS Software 01-10-97. Solitaire Card game thats easy to play but hard to beat. Tournament Style!

JNS - On the Edge

On The Edge Door v1.45A - By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. This is a solitaire style card game which features Tournament play.

JNS - Press Your Luck

Press Your Luck Door v1.45A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94 Pressing your luck on rolls of dice is the theme but you must know when to stop.

JNS - Quote Fall

Quote Fall Door Game v4.25A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. The player must unscramble mixed quotes by droping letters into boxes.

JNS - Slider Solitaire

Slider Solitaire v1.0, JNS Software Released 8-06-95. GREAT Solitaire Card game where you try to make alignments of three of a kind.

JNS - Soli-Tree

Soli-Tree Door Game v5.4 By JNS Software, Released 1-10-97. This is a solitaire card game which features Tournament & Standard Modes.

JNS - Strike's & Spares Door

Strike's & Spares Door v1.0, By JNS Software Released 8-06-95. A bowling solitaire card game where users try to get the high series.

JNS - Tri-Peaks Solitaire

Tri-Peaks Solitaire v1.1 - by JNS Software 01-10-97. Solitaire Card game where its easy to lose points instead of winning them.

JNS - The Eliminator

The ELIMINATOR v1.0 By JNS Software Released 8-06-95. GREAT Solitaire Card game where you try to remove cards using the least piles.

JNS - The Great White Card

The Great White Card v4.15A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. A fantastic card guppies clone that adds a lot more fun to the play.

JNS - The Puzzle Machine

The Puzzle Machine v4.25A - By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. Number puzzle that must be returned to it's 1 to 15 numbered sequence.

JNS - Three Shuffles and a Draw

Three Shuffles And A Draw v1.2, JNS Software 6-08-96 Super Solitaire Card game that takes a lot of skill to remove cards from table.

JNS - Trapper

Trapper Door Game v2.15A - By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. A fun and challenging game where you try trap the varment on a block.

JNS - Treasure Trove

Treasure Trove Door v1.45A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. This is a solitaire card game which features Tournament play.

JNS - Two-Card Poker

Two-Card Poker Game v5.0 - By JNS Software, Released 1-10-97. Two card poker game where the player plays against 3 computer hands.

JNS - Yacht

Yacht Door Game v1.15A ---- By JNS Software. Released 7-22-94. Nice Yacht Dice game that awards points for the high score of the day.awards points for the high score of the day.

Jump 'Em!

Jump 'Em! - This a highly addictive game where users must use strategy in jumping pegs around a pyramid shaped board. As a peg is jumped it is removed from the board. The object of each round is to leave as few pegs remaining as is possible. - BBSFiles Free Key


JunkYard v1.00 - A completely new door unlike anything you have played before. Users scrounge the junkyard looking for items to sell. Lots of neat options including attacking other players, a junkyard stock market, weapons protection, hiring helpers, the "Junkyard Dog" add on utility included! Add your own items to the junkyard database and much, much more! - BBSFiles Free Key

King of the Board

King of the Board Version 8.21 - The most popular Trivia game for BBS Systems. Supports Fossil Drivers Non-Standard IRQ's Supports ALL Major BBS's Now menu Driven! Now with First Intial & Last name. See reg#.txt for registration information.

Kannons & Katapults

Kannons & Katapults v4.4 by Alan Davenport is a shareware door game where your users play against the computer in a simulation of the old castle vs. castle wars. It is fun and quick to play. KNK makes extensive use of ANSI sound effects and the AI engine is no pushover!

Kannons & Katapults Registration

Kannons & Katapults v4.4 by Alan Davenport - Registration Key. Place file in KNK game directory to register game.

Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come Ver 1.00.01 - Like the board game Risk!, but better. A new multi-player game where you must conquer all enemies on a strange new planet. Special options allow a different strategy every game. Designed for BBS or network play, but can also be played locally. Try it out. See if you can become an "IMMORTAL"!

Kingdom Come Keyfile Generator

Kingdom Come registration keyfile generator Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Kingdom Come by Philip Wright.


Kingdoms v2.23 - Better and Better! Once more Kingdoms sets the pace for InterBBS games. Don't waste time with other Doors that only have InterBBS facilities as an add-on! Get the Real Thing. Get Kingdoms. Completely integrated and Menu driven Game and InterBBS feature configuration. Game Play that users all over the world are raving about. C'mon. You WANT this!

Kingdoms Registration File

Kingdoms Registration file released by the game author.

Krazy Climber

Krazy Climber - Place bets on one of three ladder racers. The odds vary each round and you must bet your money on the racer you feel will win. Free BBSFiles key.


Kumite v1.1 - If you like LORD, you will LOVE Kumite. This is a TRUE MULTI-NODE Door game that takes place in China Town. Choose a Dojo to train under, earn your belts, fight online fights, computer opponents, and other players. Play Wacky Taipo, send mail to other players, Today's and Yesterday's news keeps everyone up to date. Many features are packed in this NEW* exciting game. This is a minor bug fix and also a minor update release version.

Kumite Registration Code Generator

Kumite Registration Code Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game Kumite by B&K Soft.


Lachrymator 32 Online Adventure game for Wildcat v5.x BBS systems v2.06. - Full Multi-Player Online adventure. Full sysop control/customization. Full Editor for players, NPC's and the Masters. Configurable Game Levels. 3 to choose from. Kiddie, Mild, and adult versions. Only half of the game is actually seen. The rest the Players will have to figure out and find. Many hidden features. Best of all worlds. Bar, Gambling, Lottery, Sex, Violence. Included are four Lachrymator Worlds: Requiems Dungeons, Mystic Tower, Ritual Alter and Thieven Heathens. Key file generator for the game and the four worlds. This is a Wildcat v5.x game only.

Land of Barons

Land of Barons v4.41 - Barons is a challenging game of strategic skill and interactive combat. Your goal is to become King of the land by capturing neighboring towns and defeating your enemies in personal combat.

Land of Barons - Registration Key Generator

Key Generator for The Land of the Barons 4.xx - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game The Land of the Barons version 4.20 and later by W & W Communications.

Lands of Crom

SQUIRE LANDS OF CROM 0.10 Alpha - This is a new BBS DOOR GAME by Matthew Raftery of SQUIRE 1997-98. MADE IN BRISBANE (QUEENSLAND) This game is similar to Lord 2 in style but is different. A DOOR GAME which is going to be a mix between STUDS, LORD 2, DIABLO, and others. This is a must for any BBS. CROM now has MUSIC with SB support. You are on a group of islands called CROM. It is your job to search the islands for the four pieces of the scroll of technology

Lands of Crom Code/Key Generator

LANDS OF CROM - Code/Key Generator - Registers the BBS door game by Matthew Raftery


Lasso v1.5 - Based on the popular HANGMAN type game. Comes with over 28,000 words! Supports up to 115k baud rate, various COM ports, non-standard IRQ's, DESQview aware, fossil driver support, and much more! A fun game for all your users! - BBSFiles Free Key

Late-Nite Door Game Collection

×××× Late-Nite Software ×××× By Marvin Davis. The Dark Castle, Civil War, SuperRig and Trivia Master. Including Key File Generator.


Lemonade v4.30 - Run your own stand! Supports various COM ports, DESQview aware, non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens, top 10 bulletin creation, fully SysOp configurable, supports most BBS types, and even fossil drivers!


Leech 7.2 -- Online Hacking Game - Update of an old Classic. A lot of Fixes and some new feature in this version of Leech. The best of all it's FREEWARE. Supports PCBoard, WildCat, WWIV, Door.sys and dorinfo1.def drop files.


SQUIRE LEPERACY 1.00 - This is a new BBS DOOR GAME by Matthew Raftery of SQUIRE 1997 - Do you remember the old log-off game Spiked? If you do, and if you liked that game you'll love this game. Your mission is to save your girlfriend who is trapped in a house of spiked walls. You must travel through the house to save her. Make sure you don't become a leper by running into a wall because if you do she'll dump you!

Leperacy Code/Key Generator

LEPERACY - Code/Key Generator Registers the BBS door game by Matthew Raftery

Life and Death

Life and Death v3.1; An Online game where your users are the doctor. Your users are taken to a room where they are shown a patient's chart. Their job is to read the chart and then make a diagnosis to save the patient's life. This game gives your users 20 cases to solve/diagnose.

Life and Death Registration Numbers

Life & Death v3.x Registration Numbers - Registration codes for Life & Death v3.0 and v3.1 from ZoneWare.

Life in Latexila

Life in Latexila v2.0 - Coolhouse Productions - LORD style adventure game, with many races and much, much more !FREEWARE! - See the file REGCODE.TXT for registration instructions.

Lite Car Challenge

Lite Car Challenge v1.54 - Join in on the fastest raced online demolition derby! Race around the arena dodging obstacles and evading other players as you locate bonus purses to grab. The longer you survive the tighter the course becomes. Only the BEST will survive this real-time door! Original Programming by: Todd Carlton - BBSFiles Free Key

Lords of Irongate

Lords of Irongate v2.03 - Quest for the Orb! - Excellent BBS adventure door game. IBM/PC VERSION. Generic registration released by the author.


The Mad King's Dungeon v2.02 - The mad king burnt your family and farm just for kicks! You recover and head to town for revenge on him. To do this you must fight and explore the king's dungeon in order to develop your pc to take your revenge! Once taken your pc becomes the new king and you start again with a new peasant.

Mad King's Dungeon Reg Generator

The Mad King's Dungeon registration generator Creates registration codes and keyfiles for the door game The Mad King's Dungeon by Charles Marchant.

Magic Poker Machine

Magic Poker Machine v3.10 - Magic Poker Machine is a game that plays exactly like the arcade poker machines. You may insert up to ten coins (the more coins the more you may win). The computer then deals you a five card poker hand. You may then decide which card(s) to keep and which to have re-dealt. You must keep at least one card per hand. The computer pays off for Royal Flushes, Straight Flushes, three of a kind, four of a kind, flushes, full houses, straights two pairs, or a pair of Jacks or Better. The amount won depends on the odds times the amount of coins you inserted. Original Programming by: Mike Wilson. Updated by; Marty Blankenship. Free BBSFiles Key

Mahjongg Solitare

Mahjongg Solitare (Door game) Now Freeware! by Mike Wilson


MagiSlots! - By Andrew Pamment - 3 Reel Slot Machine Door. Includes Windows executable and source that can be compiled under Linux.

Majyk Empires

Majyk Empires v 1.25b - The Online Medieval Conflict. Sept. 27, 1993 by CIOE Corp

Majyk Empires Keyfile Generator

Majyk Empires registration keyfile generator. Creates a registration key for the door game Majyk Empires by CIOE Corp.

Master Mind

Master Mind! Version 1.0 Build 6 - The object of the game is to try and guess the four digit combination the computer has picked randomly. You will get 10 tries. If you successfully guess the number in 10 tries or less YOU WIN! Each time you enter a guess, the computer tells you how many digits out of the four were in the right position. - FREEWARE! [WIN32/DOS Versions]

Math Busters

Math Busters v3.0 - An Educational Game for Many BBS's. Mike Wilson Door Game.


MECHWARS v1.9G : Released 12/07/93. REGISTERED - * Supports most BBS types. * Fossil and non-standard IRQ support. * Multitasker aware.

Mega Slots

MEGA SLOTS v1.6.0 - An Online Slot Machine - Runs on Most BBS Software. Each win adds 1 more play. Resets at end of month. Bank Loans. Current Game Stats. Random Player Mugging. Random Return of Mugged Amount. Player Make Up Days. InterBBS Capable. Robotic Players

Melee 3.51

MELEE v3.51 Public Release! - This ansi door is the most in-depth gladiatorial combat role-playing game available for multi-player BBS use. Enter the guild and build your skills, equipment, stats, and knowledge toward the goal of becoming the top Warrior in the country!

>Melee 3.52

MELEE v3.52 Public Release! - This ansi door is the most in-depth gladiatorial combat role-playing game available for multi-player BBS use. Enter the guild and build your skills, equipment, stats, and knowledge toward the goal of becoming the top Warrior in the country!

PLEASE NOTE: I could not get 3.52 to correctly install the DOCS and TEXT directory in the game. I unzipped 3.51 in a temporary folder, ran the install and copied those two directories over to 3.52. Also, this game has the RUNTIME 200 error, so it has to be patched

Melee 3.52d

MELEE v3.52 Upgrade files. See the README.1ST document.

Melee Key File Generator

Melee v3.5x keyfile generator - Creates a registration keyfile for versions 3.5x of the door game Melee by Aces Software(tm).

Mind Boggle

Mind Boggle BBS Door game. Follow the Register.txt

Mines of Gorr

Mines of Gorr v1.00 BBS Door Game MOG is the most advanced medieval role playing door game available today. It has full 3D dungeon exploration, 2D auto-mapping, 250 monsters, and over 170 weapons and armor items. It is also FULLY multi-node capable with internode combat. Also supports the FOSSIL and most BBS dropfiles.

Mines of Gorr Registration

Jibben Software released registration for Mines of Gorr

Mine Zone

Mine Zone V3.35 - Attempt To Navigate Through The Minezone Without Blowing Yourself Up! Free Lives, Mine Maps, And *Secrets* Are Hidden Along The Tretcherous Path! ANSI Cursor Control Allows You To Concentrate More On The Game Than The Controls. Original Programming by: Todd Carlton. Follow information in Resister.frm.

Mission #2 v2.01 - Vacation In Hell!

Mission #2 v2.01 - Vacation In Hell! - Many different ANSI screens and ANSI graphics. Dozens of different possible storylines. An ANSIfied playing screen, which contains maps that you can walk on and see what is happening! A partner with intelligence as well! Lots of fun and easy to play! A must of SysOp's that run Door Games!

Mission #2 - Vacation In Hell! Key Generator

Mission #2 - Vacation In Hell! - by akacastor 2024-03-29 (DOS) Another fine release from The AP Class!

Mission Control

MISSION CONTROL 2.0 - BBS Door Game. NASA has employed you to complete as many missions as you can over the remainder of the month. Secure Fund-funding, build your shuttle, and LIFT OFF! Supports RBBS, WILDCAT, PCB11/12/14, DORINFO1.DEF and DOOR.SYS.

Motor City Game Collection

Includes game files and key file generator for the three games. McKeyGen for Motor City Software doors McRace 2.2, McTrivia 2.0, McBowl 2.0 keygen by akacastor 2024-05-01 [ AP Class ]

Murder Motel

"Murder Motel v4.6 - The original MURDER MOTEL! 4.6 Don't settle for a substitute Now supports all BBS's, Fossil drivers. The free key file is from Make sure you follow the instructions in the file REGISTER-MM.TXT.

Mutant Hoard

Mutant Hoard v1.01 - In this game it's You & Everyone VS The Computer. The only trick is that only one of you can win so a little backstabbing can be expected.

Mutant Hoard Keyfile Generator

Mutant Hoard Keyfile Generator - Creates a registration keyfile for the BBS door game Mutant Hoard by Dementia Software.

NetRunner Door Game

NetRunner Door V1.02 for PCBoard, Gap, WC!, RBBS, QBBS and Others! The first true 'Cyber Punk' online game. You're a NetRunner, bold and arrogant! Use your cyberdeck and an assortment of hacking 'wares to invade the corporate systems and raid their credits. NetRunner uses ANSI graphics and keypad for movement in the grid and systems. By Rob Jacob and Seattle Cybertechnologies.

NetRunner Key Generator

NetRunner Door Game *Legal* Key Generator. Released on June 10, 2004 by Rob Jacob. This allows you to register NetRunner with any name and serial number you like.

New York 2008

New York 2008 v1.00 - ¦FREEWARE FINAL RELEASE - RPG game for almost any BBS system Fully multinode capable with online fights and messages. User friendly and colorful, and straight forward fun door game. Has many other features. Regular IGMs and Fight Event IGMs! RIP! Inter-BBS! GET IT, PLAY IT!

Nuclear War

Nuclear War v8.11 - On-Line Door Game for most BBS Programs. Modeled in part after the Desert Storm Crisis, Nuclear War is a strategic War Simulation game with a complete arsenal of offensive weapons including Missiles, Smart Bombs, Scuds and Viper Warheads. Reliable Patriots are used for defense while you are not playing. Includes a complete On-Line Maintenace Section that can be accessed anytime you are in the game. No need to run stand alone editors.

Nuclear War Registration Code

Nuclear War - Registration Code. Enjoy!


Nukewars v3.80 - The Ultimate Door. - Grab it! Hours of enjoyment from your users! This is the ultimate in spy games. Your users will setup and run their country and tax their people in order to get money to buy nuclear war heads to explode your opponents country! Over 500 Copies sold! Registered Version released by Rob Johnston! (c)93 End of Time Software

PLEASE READ: If you are running Synchronet, when you try to run Nuke Wars, you may get an error on your BBS machine saying that COM3 cannot be opened. In order to resolve that, make a copy of sbbsexec.ini from Synchronet's exec directory to your Nuke Wars directory, then edit sbbsexec.ini in your Nuke Wars directory with a text editor. Change the ComPort setting (in the [UART] section) to specify 3:

N.U.G.I. ConSorTium Door Games

All of Dave Wendling's DoorGames, now Freeware with NUGIREG.ZIP. - NUGIREG.ZIP December 1996. This program will produce the registration number for any of the following N.U.G.I. ConSorTium Door Games. Terra Firma, Who Dunit, Busted, The Enquirer, Quantum Jump and Pass It On. The games files are included in this ZIP file.

Operation Overkill

Operation: Overkill v1.20 BBS doorgame - The original wasteland BBS on-line doorgame, Operation: Overkill, allows your users to battle against the evil and vile Hydrites in preventing them from conquering the planet. Great user interaction provides for revenging subplots of bloodlust and conquering.


Phantasia v7.6 - A role playing game where the user creates a character to guide through wilderness fighting monsters and rescuing virgins. The game supports attacks between players on multiple node systems. Registered version. Enter your Sysop Name and BBS Name.

VBSOFT Registration

This is the program that will register both EasyDoor and Operation Overkill. Just run the Exe's and answer the questions. It will create Text files with your registration codes. Released by Bryan Turner of Vagabond Software.

Outpost Trader

Outpost Trader (registered) v1.01 - Space Trading Galactic Conquest Door Game. You can aquire better ships as you climb the ranks. Use multiple weapons and Devices. Team Officers have unique duties. Play with chesslike strategy or be a rouge! Build your planets to reach higher Tech Levels. Build your empire!


Paladin v2.3 - Online role-playing game, similar to LORD and Usurper. New additions - custom menus, shelter system, more! Supports all major drop files (DORINFO, DOOR.SYS, and many more), and has an Armour, Class, Bar Conversation, Weapon, Monster, and Player editor program for reg'ed sysops.

Paladin Serial

Generate a valid serial number to register Paladin to your bbs name.


PimpWars Version 1.52 Windows Version - PimpWars is a game where players assume the role of a Pimp and work the streets through "extra-cirricular" activities. This file contains the Windows version with support for Door32. FREEWARE

Polaris Strike

Polaris Strike V1.50 - The killer game is here! It features a GRAPHICAL fighting system! Earth once again is in trouble! A giant meteor is headed straight toward earth at fast speeds and there are no nuclear weapons to destroy it! Your mission is to go to the planet Polaris and take control of the laser cannon orbiting the planet and destroy the asteroid! This game has IGM support! Get it today!

Polaris Strike 2

Polaris Strike 2 v2.00.1 - The Guardian is back in this high-action adventure game. He has plans to conquer Earth, and you must stop him. Features a graphical fighting system, and more! Works on all BBS software. Also featuring multinode support!

Polaris Strike 1 & 2 RegCode Generator

Polaris Strike 1 & 2 regcode generators Creates registration codes for both Polaris Strike and Polaris Strike 2 by CRTech, Inc.


Ponies: bbs door game of horse racing. Freeware.

Primal Chaos

Primal Chaos v2.10 - Complete rewrite of the old Primal Chaos RPG door game. This game is a must have for any BBS with doors. - NPC's that move & act as real people. 10 Cities and 10 Quests to complete. Over 200 monsters to fight against. Ability to Rewrite entire game. 40 Magic Spells to Learn. Different Game Each Time. MindBlowing Excitement! Multi-Node Capable. Awesome Editor.

Primal Chaos Code Generator

Primal Chaos registration code generator Creates registration codes for the door game Primal Chaos by Robert Colozza.

Prime Base Door Games

Prime Base Door Games - Original Programming by: William Rountree - Including Adventure's Maze, Adventure's Maze 2, BBS Putt Putt and many different card games. All gathered in one place. 23 Games in all! Free keys from


Pro-Bowling, Visit the Bowling Lanes - The game of Pro-Bowling plays exactly like a regular session of bowling at your favorite local lanes! - BBSFiles Free Key

Pro Golf

Pro Golf Doorgame! - Now Freeware!

Pyramid Guppies

Pyramid Guppies, The Pyramid Card Game - The object of Pyramid Guppies is to place bets on whether the next card drawn will be higher or lower than the one that is displayed. - BBSFiles Free Key

Quad Climb

Quad Climb v1.00 COOL LITTLE ANSI DICE GAME! Knock out 3 ladders on the QUAD & keep right on going with a new screen! Never reset Ansi, Asci top 10 external score files. Sysop sets number of plays per day. Easy multinode setup using QUADCFG.EXE. Cothran Computing.

Quad Climb Registration Code Generator

Quad Climb registration code generator Registers the BBS door game Quad Climb by Cothran Computing.


Rathmore v1.10 - A spin-off of AD&D 2nd Edition. Monsters, Undead and Dragons. Your overall quest is to obtain all the keys for your final encounter. It's a long and difficult journey and should be played by those looking for a harder game.

Rathmore Reg Codes

Generic registration codes for the BBS door game Rathmore.

The Realm of Illuryia

The Realm of Illuryia v1.01 - The best BBS Doorgame gets better. Bug fixes and many changes to make game play easier and more fun. Become a guildmaster, guard, manager, even a king or queen in the fantasy world of Illuryia. True player interaction. Copyright (c) 1995-96 Ficus Software

The Realm of Illuryia Regcode Generator

The Realm of Illuryia Regcode Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game The Realm of Illuryia by Ficus Software.

Realm of Kisom

ROK Version 2.52 - By Devon Brooks - The #1 RPG door on hundreds of BBS's all around the world gets better. A few bug fixes - ROK is now ready to undergo some changes: major options are being planned for the next release! ROK is a kick-ass doorgame that your users will LOVE!

Realm of Kisom Keymaker

Realm of Kisom 2.52 - Keymaker by The GodFader - Please note: This program did not run on my Windows 10, 32bit machine but it did work under DOS.

Rebel Kingdom

Rebel Kingdom v9.61 - Rebel Kingdom On-Line Door Game for most BBS Programs. Rebel Kingdom is a medievil RPG where you build your kingdom while destroying your opponents. The game takes place in the 16th century. You build your Kingdom by harvesting crops, investments, gambling and capturing land from your enemies. Includes a complete on-line Door Sysop Maintenance section as well as many other features

Rebel Kingdom Registration Code File

Rebel Kingdom registration code file. Enjoy!

Riverboat Blackjack

Riverboat Blackjack v1.02 - Multi-player Realtime Blackjack game. Players take on the character of an 1800s riverboat gambler 'seated' at the table with up to four others. Original Programming: Steve Lorenz - BBSFiles Free Key

Robo Wars

Robo Wars v1.50 - Be a galactic warrior/hunter. Buy weapons and seek out the enemy. Enter the Galactic Maze, find robos and rule the universe. Or atleast hold onto it for aslong as you can! Registered users get a Map/Sector AND a Player Editor!

Robo Wars Registration Key

Robo Wars Registration Key and special registratered utilities

Robot Chase

Robot Chase - an apam door 2019. - Avoid the high voltage power lines and lure the killer robots to their death to ensure your safety. SOURCE & WIN32 Binary

Roll the Bones

Roll the Bones 1.02 BBS Door Game RTB is a game of chance. Each player can bet credits on the rolls of the dice. Each month the player with the most credits is put on a monthly winner list and the game resets automatically. Multi-node friendly! Supports std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win, and OS/2 aware.

The Roundtable

The Roundtable v1.16 - RT is a fantasy role-playing game run as a Door under most popular BBS programs. (C)opyright 1993 - Robert E. Kircher

The Roundtable KeyFile Generator

The Roundtable KeyFile Generator - Creates a registration keyfile for the door game The Roundtable by Robert Kircher.


SAGE 1.00 - Probably the largest and most powerful BBS door ever. Real-time interaction, in an ANSI graphical environment. Plug-in as many worlds as you like to one copy of the engine, Enormous worlds with up to 18 mil.locations, making Sage NINE TIMES larger than Lord 2.

Sage Registration Code Gen

SAGE 1.00 - A Quick Registration code generator, released by the Author, Beau Barker.

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt v2.23 - Searching, stealing, hiding... setting hooby-traps and dodging set-ups by other players! Obtain the objects on your list before your opponests do, and you can be the master scavenger hunter of them all! A game of intense competition! Original Programming by: Todd Carlton (Co-Authored By Mike Walters)- BBSFiles Free Key

Scrabble Door

Scrabble Door v4.0F - Shareware Release BBS Door adaptation of the popular Scrabble board game! Supports many different BBS file formats internally. Uses a FOSSIL if available - not required. Supports its own internal ANSI routines.

Scrabble Key Generator

KEYMAKER.COM : 1.01 : Make a keyfile for single-node Scrabble doors
CODEMAKR.COM : 1.01 : Calculate a serial number for multi-node Scrabble doors


Scramble v4.0 - Unscramble the words in a set time period, ships with OVER 30,000 words, supports various COM ports, DESQview aware, all major BBS's supported, speeds up to 115.5k tournament play, high score and monthly high score saved, and colorful ANSI screens! This version also supports fossil drivers! A door for all your users! - BBSFiles Free Key


Sinbaud v3.6 - You must save the STAFF OF GOODNESS from the evil monsters of CHARON. These monsters appear in random numbers but more experienced users shall truly be dealt thier share. So let it be written! So let it be done! Do you ever get the feeling once you thought you paid all your bills and there is always one left over??? Well life has not changed that much in the land of CHARON. You will find no sooner than you save the Staff it may slip from your hands.... Original Programming: Rick Salinas. Free registration keys from

Sinbaud Registered Utilities

Utilities that come with the registered version.


SKIGAME - FREEWARE skiing door from Brian Pirie of OpenDoors fame. This is an example door from the distribution archive. If you are a C programmer and would like to write your own doors, OpenDoors is highly recommended. SKIGAME provides many sysop functions, many different drop files, multi-config, multiple personality status line, and multinode operation. No FOSSIL required -- supports non-standard comm ports. FREE!!

Solar Realms Elite

Solar Realms Elite (SRE) Version 0.994b Online door game - strategy, space, war, empire building. Supports FOSSIL & works with most BBS software. New version works standalone w/infiniteturns for SRE addicts. Please see the following link about the Y2K bug:

Solar Realms Elite Key Generator

Solar Realms Elite Reg Crack posted by Amit Patel, author of SRE since all code and keygens were lost years ago.


SORCERY v1.00 - You can now send E-Mail and fight other users. One of the most addictive games just gave your users another reason to call every day! Some small updated code and bug fixes.

Space Dynasty

Space Dynasty v3.06 on-line game - a multi-player game involving resource allocation and interstellar combat - reads CHAIN.TXT, PCBOARD.SYS, DOOR.SYS, or CALLINFO.BBS to support most BBS systems, new as of 02/95

Space Dynasty Key Generator

Space Dynasty 3.05 registration key generator Creates a registration keyfile for Space Dynasty v3.05 and above by Hollie Satterfield.

Space Quest 2112 Game Server

Space Quest 2112 Game Server v1.31d - 32bit - A Great SPACE ADVENTURE Simulation to play via Telnet connection or BBS. Command your Galaxy Class Star Cruiser from the Virtual Reality type ANSI Bridge. You can Actually see the planets and ships as you blow them up. Form alliances, construct Space cities. Over 250,000 unique space locations. See reg#.txt for registration information.


Hang Man game from the makers of Solar Realms Elite

SR-Hang Registration Code

SR-Hang registration codes - Enjoy!

Stack' Em!

Stack'Em! v3.2. 'Tetris' type DOOR game for many BBS types from J & W Software. Support for FOSSIL ports, Windows and OS/2 time slices released, alias support (DOOR.SYS only). Features include: ANSI/RIPScrip displays, Full Multi-Node support, easy setup and no maintenance.

Stack' Em! Reg Code Generator

Stack'Em! Registration Code Generator - Stack'Em! Tetris type DOOR game for many BBS types from J & W Software.

Star Fight

W & W Communications STAR FIGHT door. To become the most powerful in the galaxy is the goal of this Star Fight. You do this by colonizing planets and building their industries in order to gain political power. Send radio messages to other players real-time, as well as receive distress messages from your colonies as they are being attacted by other players from another node.

Star Fight Key Generator

Key generator for Star Fight v2.xx Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Star Fight version 2.xx by W & W Communications.

Star Market

W & W Communications STAR MARKET door. Star Market is a game of intergalactic trading. Players attempt to build trading companies in space and then purchase stock in the most profitable ones. Players must use logic and planning to make the most out of companies by causing them to grow and merge with each other.

Star Market Key Generator

Key generator for Star Market v2.xx Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Star Market version 2.xx by W & W Communications.

Stardock Loco

Stardock Loco v2.12 "The Core" BBS Door game. Can be used under most BBS systems. Set in the future, this role playing shareware game can beplayed by up to 100 players. Multi-node capable, IGM expandable, over 70+ new ANSI graphics screens and menus.

Stardock Loco & WOT

BBS Door Registration Keys For Stardock Loco and World Of Tears BBS Door Games. Donation requested, honor system registration. These keys will give full functionality to both ors!!!! See sysop.txt

Steel & Ice Hockey

Steel & Ice Hockey v4.00 - Now with a full four-round PLAYOFFS support. Welcome to the next level of online sports simulations. Complete rosters of the 26 teams, a multitude of statistics, and a full regular season. ANSI-only due to the extensive use of full-screen ANSI graphics. - Minds Edge Productions Inc.

Steel & Ice Registration Code Generator

Creates a registration code for the door game Steel & Ice by Minds Edge Productions, Inc. (Email me if you have issues getting this game to work. It took me awhile.)

Steller Quest

Steller Quest v1.99 - This is a space exploration game with a heavy emphasis in economics. Players are assigned a race, port, and ship and are set loose on the galaxy to build their fortunes. Successful play requires experience, careful thought, and planning. Original Programming: Michael W. Bayley W32 & *nix ports by : Stephen Hurd - FREEWARE

Strike 9

Strike 9 Version 3.2 - A complete rewrite of the Door Now supports all major BBS Packages Supports Non-Std Comm Ports and IRQ's Full Fossil Driver Support Complete package including conversion programs


Sub Attack v2.3 - This game will attempt to simulate the complex world of submarine warfare in a fun and entertaining door game for your BBS or as a personal arcade game for your IBM/clone computer. You will be in command of an American Los Angeles class submarine. You will navigate your ship across the globe in search of your targets. As your experience grows so will your ships lethal capacity and range. You can play against other players and several different missions. Original Programming: Rick Salinas. Free registration keys from


Sudoku2 - By Andrew Pamment - Classic game of sudoku in door format. Now with high scores!


SUMMATION! v1.00 - A strategy game where the players must use careful selection and addition to defeat thier computer or human opponents. Supports REAL-TIME multi-user, multi-node, DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, Fossil drivers, Digiboard, and higher IRQ settings. Tested for use with OS/2 and DESQview.

Summation Registration Code Generator

Summation Registration Code Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game SUMMATION! by First Vision Software.

Super Recall

Super Recall Door game! - now freeware! This is like the old Memory game!

Super Rig

"Super Rig! v6.3 - Drive a truck accross country to make your delivery on time. But don't get caught speeding or hauling too much, the cops will stop you and write a ticket. CB Radio simulator and relaistic highway action. Fun for all ages. Original Programming: Marvin Davis - Free registration keys from


SuperSlots! v3.3. Slot machine game DOOR for many BBS types from J & W Software. Minor maintenance release. Features include: ANSI/RIPscrip screens with sound and animation, full Multi-Node, FOSSIL, OS/2 Windows support, easy installation and no maintenance.

SuperSlots Registration Code Generator

SuperSlots Registrations Code Generator - SuperSlots! Slot machine game DOOR for many BBS types from J & W Software. This has been tested on V3.3 and it works.

Tank Command

Tank Command - Mike Wilson. Free registration keys from

TcSoft's Spades

TcSoft's FREEWARE Spades door game v4.5 use fossil or no fossil needed non standard IRQs .. no baud rate limit ANSI/AVATAR

Thabean Knights

Thabean Knights v1.4 - Set in the days of old, when Knights roamed the Realms in search of Honour and Valour, the Thabean Knights door is your gateway to adventure. With Quests and Battles around every corner The game follows the basic gameplay of most role playing/multi-player BBS doors.

Thabean Knights Registratin Code Generator

Thabean Knights Registratin Code Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game Thabean Knights by Thabes Company.

The Awakening

RPG-2100*THE AWAKENING v1.04 Single-Multiline DView-WIN-OS/2 aware door supports FOSSIL and non-standard settings... 57 years after preventing the awakening of Khalal its evil wraith has finally recovered the body and has the evil semi-god, semi- dragon awaken. You have been summoned to the land once more by the sacred fire to kill Khalal once and for all. A fully interactive game, the best adaptation of a role-play game (RPG) for BBSs ever!

Awakening Regcode Gen

Creates registration codes for the door game RPG-2100 * KHALAL II: THE AWAKENING version 1.xx by Carlos Garcia.

The Clans

The Clans v0.96b1 -- *InterBBS* RPG Win32 Version - New Baseline Binary - Form a clan and wander from BBS to BBS doing battle with other clans and creatures! The most unique and *addictive* new RPG/wargame to come out in a long time. ** Now freeware! **

The Cove

The Cove v.1a - A door game like no other! An adventure game set in the buccaneering days of the Carribean! Adventure and treachery await you in The Cove!

The Cove Registration Generator

The Cove Registration Generator - Registers the BBS door game The Cove v1.0 by High Seas Programming

The Wraith of Khalal

RPG-2100*THE WRAITH OF KHALAL v2.02 Maintenance release. Corrects time-slicings under OS/2, Windows, DV; RIP bug; and others. As a fighter, rogue, or wizard, get clues, blessings, money, and hints from the old men of the land. Will you escape the Land Of Eternal Confusion? See the king for commissions, hunt other human players, and ultimately, prevent the awakening of Khalal

Khalal Regcode Gen

Creates registration codes for the door game RPG-2100 * THE WRAITH OF KHALAL version 2.xx by Carlos Garcia.

Thunder Valley

THUNDER VALLEY v3.1b - RIPPABLE!! Trivia, user combat, role playing door game! Multinode aware with multinode chat! E-mail, autodetect fossil or internal com routines. Supports many door formats. Editor available to create custom trivia files. Travel through ThunderValley. Guided by the Spirit of the Shaman race other users to recover the Orb of Knowledge. Now supports speeds to 115,200.

Thunder Valley RegCode Generator

Thunder Valley Version 3.0+ Regcode Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game. Thunder Valley by LAIRWare, version 3.0 and later.

Time of Chaos

Time of Chaos v4.7 - Basically a futuristic, demographical, role-playing type of game, or simulation, which leans mainly towards scientific theory and fact.

Time of Chaos Registration Code Generator

Time of Chaos Registration Code Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game Time of Chaos by Brian Cane.

Time Port

TIME PORT Version 1.1a Beta - A totally IGM-based BBS door game from the author of Lunatix. Set in the far future, you have been given access to the Time Portal.. History awaits!

I find this game runs extremely slow.

Time Port Registration

Your FREE REGISTRATION to the TIME PORT Door Game!!!! Absolutely Free! This is the REG program I used when TimePort required a registration, and I am Releasing it to the public.

Tiny Hangman

Tiny's Hang-Man Ver 2.3b - Freeware - Dec 15 2007 - The BEST hangman door! Many bug fixes & features. Win32, OS/2, DOS, Linux Versions.


TitanSlots - an apam door 2019 - A slot machine door. Start with 100 coins and 50 turns, make the most coin you can before your turns run out! SOURCE & WIN32 Binary

TopSoft Six Games and Keys

TopSoft Door Games - Six Games and Keys - BBS Crash, Ghost Town III, Jet Combat, Battle Quest, Card Sharx, Thunder Cat.

Tournament Word Guess

Tournament Word Guess v5.00 - Figure Out Each Of The Nine Mystery Words Entered By Opposing Players. Each Guess Increases Their Score; Every Correct Guess Increases Yours! Guess The Entire Word, And You Get To Enter The Next One! Great Fun For All Ages! Original Programming by: Todd Carlton - BBSFiles Free Key

Tractor Pull Nationals!

TDM's TRACTOR PULL NATIONALS! A User against User ANSI Doorgame featuring Tractor Pulling Machines with competetive action! Full Featured Pit Area and Engine Torque Meter to measure the strength of your pulling machine before and during your pull! Also, POP IN agents that offer you special deals that can make you or break you! New Month Auto-Scores Re-set! Last Months Winner Screen! Will run virtually with ANY BBS Software! V1.20 Now includes FOSSIL SUPPORT!

Tractor Pull Nationals! Reg Code Generator

TDM's TRACTOR PULL NATIONALS! - Registration Code Generator Released: September, 3 1995 by SkyWalker

Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam v3.15 - Door game for PCB14 or systems using 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphics game where you have to get from home to the airport in two hours and avoiding uneccesary delays. Must stop along the way to pick up snacks for the kids. The door features auto roll-over of the scores the 1st of the month, play back/ahead days. Fully configurable in registered version by the sysop. Original Programming: Robert Poirier. Read teh Register.frm for information.

TreeHouse Truants

Freeware version of TreeHouse Truants. - A role-playing online game. In this game you are a 13 year old jerk who doesn't take any bull from anyone. Fun, easy to play, supports almost ANY BBS type. Written by Justin King.

As stupid as this sounds you must make a directory called "DOS" on your C-Drive. The Register.exe program needs this or it will get an error code 003.

Triple Dare

Triple Dare, A Game of Daring! - The object of Triple Dare is to open the 16 doors that are presented. Behind each door lies either a prize or a loss of money. You can continue to open doors until all are opened or you are bankrupt. BBSFiles Free Key


Tunnels-n-Tombs 1.24 JPSoft Doorware - A classic maze game with a touch of such greats as Moria, Rogue, Hack and Larn. Sysop configurable. Supports DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS, FOSSIL or ASYNC, and RIP. Full editor for easy configuration and maintenance. PLEASE NOTE: I would recommend using DORINFOx.DEF, I could not get it to run with DOOR.SYS.

Tunnels-n-Tombs Code Generator

Tunnels-N-Tombs registration code generator Creates a registration code for the door game Tunnels-N-Tombs by JPSoft.

TXDS: Ashrella

TXDS: ASHRELLA v1.32 - BBS Door game, Fantasy Role Playing with superb multinode support.
Comes with door making system, TXDS.

TXDS Free Registration Number

TXDS: ASHRELLA v1.32 - Free Version registration number from Allen Ussher


U - B O A T v2.01 - U-Boat is an on-line game designed to run under a number of popular BBS operating systems. The game is a challenging game of planning, skill, and a touch of luck. The time is World War II. Your assignment is to safeguard the voyages of transport ships from our supply base to a port near the front. Your problem is U-Boats.

Ultimate Universe

Bored with Trade Wars? Try Ultimate Universe, the most complex & challenging Space Conquest Door, ever. UU's features include over 450 Ship Devices, many Specialty Ports, Space Madness & up to 45 players in a single campaign. Playing fields can be up to 10 dimensions of 4000 Sectors each. Battle enemies, form teams and keep peace with the establishment, all while plotting to become a Lord of Creation and recreate the Universe in your image. An Extremely Challenging Strategy Game. The Importation feature allows UU Ships from other BBSs to enter the game on your board.

Uncertia: TUQ

Uncertia: TUQ v1.00 - An incredible door game which features a tremendous amount of great ANSI, arcade-like battles, overhead and side views of maps, adventure, and much more! Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, CHAIN.TXT. Extremely easy to set up!

Uncertia: TUQ Key Generator

Uncertia: The Unknown Quest v1.00 keygen Registers the door game Uncertia: The Unknown Quest by Edhanced Software. For v1.00 only.


VAMPIRES 2!!! The Children of Darkness are back! Amazing new door release! Works great on all BBS's. The Most & Best Graphics. A Major Upgrade, Loaded with new features! Completely Multinode

Vampire Knights

Vampire Knights v.2.7 - Full featured on-line adventure game with topographical ANSI maps of terrain and multi-level dugeons. ANSI monsters, magic items, towns, ruins, over 100 monsters, and real time user to user battles. Uses fossil, or interrupt driven COM routines for best compatability.

Vampire Knights Regcode Generator

Vampire Knights Regcode Generator v2.x - Creates registration codes for the door game Vampire Knights version 2.1 and above by Rude-Dog Software.


Vagabond's Hangman v1.3 - FREEWARE! Now you can play hangman on your BBS for free! Yet another freeware release from Vagabond Software!

Vestland Castle

Vestland Castle ver 1.4 - Vestlands Enchanted Castle Venture throughout the Kingdom to save the king from the grips of Azreal the evil wizzard. Riddles puzzles all to solve on your Journey. Multinode capable. Most drop files included.Can You be the one WARRIOR !!! Wonderland Software

Vestland Castle Code Generator

Codegen for Vestland Enchanted Castle v1.x Creates a registration code for Vestland Enchanted Castle v1.x by Wonderland Software

Video Poker

Video Poker v1.71 - You set the payoff, 2's or better to Ace's or better! High hand of the day gets a BONUS tomorrow! BONUS is sysop configurable, various COM ports, DESQ-view and Network ready, top ten, alltime high, last weeks high, fossil drivers, easy setup and configuration via a built-in utility program! BBSFiles Free Key

Virtual Hunt

Virtual Hunt v0.95 - MUD-style game for your BBS. NOW FREEWARE!! Hunt out computer players and human players in a real-time environment. As many as 20 computer players do battle in a virtual world with the player. AI players "think" and act on user movements! Download today, amazing new concept! Make your own AI players or virtual worlds easily!

WAR! Battlefield America

WAR! Battlefield America v2.00a - Online strategy war game (Risk-clone). Why conquer the same old world over and over again? WAR! features a powerful scenario compiler to let users make their own worlds to conquer. Comes with 3 scenarios : "21st Century N. America", "WAR! in Vancouver" & "The Modern World". From the creator of Steel & Ice Hockey. (c) 1994-95 by Minds Edge Productions Inc.

WAR! Battlefield America Reg Generator

WAR! Battlefield America Reg Generator - Registers the door game WAR! Battlefield America by Minds Edge Productions, Inc.

Weiner Boy

Weiner Boy v0.48.DOS - DOS clone of the popular doorgame Weiner Boy for Amiga BBS's. Now your BBS can get its important intake of perversion and filth. Freeware-ish, from Psych0Soft. Rating flags: [AL, AS, MV, RP, SC], very sick, very funny! FREEWARE


WILDWEST version 1a. A door game like no other! An all ansi door game of life in the old Wild West! The only way to get closer to the real thing would be with a time machine! Can you survive life in Tumbleweed? From: Smugglers Cove BBS (904) 682-7516

WildWest Registration Code Generator

WILDWEST version 1a. Registration Code Generator From: Smugglers Cove BBS

Wizards Arena

Wizards Arena - Allowing a number of players to wander around in a large maze-like area and fight it out, using a wide variety of spells and a certain amount of ironmongery.

Wizards Arena Code Generator

Wizard's Arena Registration Code Generator - Creates a registration code for the door game Wizard's Arena by Douglas Summers.

Wizard Maze 3D

Wizard Maze 3D V1.26 - 100 levels of confusing 3D mazes. Your users enter as a young apprentice who has mistakenly put himself on trial. They must navigate the mazes using spells, automap, and a compass before being overcome by noxious fumes. Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, DigiBoard, Fossil, higher IRQ settings, and RIP detection. NEW: Improved auto-mapper, depth shading, Multi-tasker friendly!

Wizard Maze 3D Code Generator

Wizard Maze 3D registration code generator Creates a registration code for the door game Wizard Maze 3D by First Vision Software.

Word Nerd

Word Nerd v2.1 - Challenging Word Game. Guess The Two Rhyming Words From The Clue. Complete Rewrite of The Older Version. Supports All BBS's, Comm Ports 1-15 Fossil Driver Support From Suburban Software - See REGISTER-WN.TXT for Registration Key.


Wordle BBS Door Game - 11-05-2022 version. See

World Of Tears

World Of Tears 1.9beta BBS door strategy game. Conquer all 90 countries. The best Special Effects ever made in a door! Battle Demons, cast spells on players and countries, own countries, townships, castles. Strategy of the board game RISK, with the fun of a classic RPG! Every BBS game generated unique!

WOT & Stardock Loco

BBS Door Registration Keys For Stardock Loco and World Of Tears BBS Door Games. Donation requested, honor system registration. These keys will give full functionality to both ors!!!! See sysop.txt

W & W Communications Door Collection

Here is the WWDoor collection with generic keys. The games include: Barons, Hi-Low Cards, Castle Siege, Casino, Dino, Emperor, Interstellar Domination, Mind Breaker, Pony Races, Refractions, Star Fight, Simon Says, Star Market, and Traps. The registration (COD) files are included and should be copied into the game directory. The game Noose is also included, it has it's seperate code file generator. I did have one issue with Interstellar Domination, it uses the command line key of -DropFile, not -DoorInfo like the other games. All other issues with this ZIP file have been resolved.


XENO-QUEST Ver. 1.65 - Sept 18, 1993 - See reg#.txt for registration serial number.

Yang Fist

YANG FIST 1.00 - Oriental Hand to hand combat, with lots of moves, four disciplines, and magic. Great RIP and ANSI.

Yang Fist Keyfile Generator

Yang Fist registration keyfile generator Creates a registration keyfile for the door game Yang Fist by CIOE Corp.

Yankee Trader

Yankee Trader - The original space/trading war game by Alan Davenport.

Yankee Trader Registration Code

Yankee Trader - Alan Davenport - Generic Registration Code. Read the FILE_ID for a website on how to successfully run Yankee Traders under Windows.

Yankees and Red Necks

Yankees and Red Necks v1.08 - More New options! HOT new action! "Bad to the Bone" Dungeons and Dragons style HACK and SLASH RPG. More New features added at YOUR request and all known bugs have been "squashed." EASY setup! Read the docs before attempting to install.

Yankees and Red Necks Registration Codes

Yankees and Red Necks - Registration Codes. Enjoy!


Yertle v1.0.4 - A full-ANSi door game similar to Wordle, the game that broke the internet in 2022! This version gives you 6 letter words and 7 tries per game. Works with multiple door drop formats. Free to install, play, and enjoy forever!

Zombie Slots

Z O M B I E S L O T S - Version 1.3.2 Ibbs The Ultimate Slot Machine. Played on a 5 by 4 Grid of token wheels, this door not only pays out on horizontal lines but also diagonally. Multiple lines are also payed out. Daily Interest added to jackpot. Each win adds 1 more play. Player Makeup Days. Resets at end of month. InterBBS Capable


ZOT is a simple mind game you play against the computer or the SYSOP. You and your opponent start out with 2 pieces each on a board with 49 spaces. You take turns moving pieces from one space on the board to another.